Vallis Farm is considering setting up as a learning centre for horticulture apprenticeships! We’ve done our research and our sums and now we’re ready to talk to potential employers! If you have gardens, land, or a gardening company in the Frome area then taking on a horticulture apprentice is a great way to train up a new member of staff. It also helps to address skills gaps in industry, boosts productivity, reduces recruitment costs and gives something back to the local economy. Frome currently has no practical post 16 provision and we want to help improve the situation. Having a local group of apprentices also means we can serve the community, using local projects and businesses to help boost their learning. For example, if you have a lot of trees to plant, or lots of pruning to do, then what a great opportunity for the apprentices to get stuck in and learn!
If this sounds interesting but you’re still not sure how it all works then fear not! We are hosting this breakfast meet up in order to address any questions you might have and let you know how it all works from your perspective. Tamsin, Estates Manager at the farm, has a unique experience in this area having been through the apprenticeship scheme as a student, then as a teacher and now as an employer.
So please join us for coffee, pastries and an informal chat. There’s no commitment required, just come with an open mind and lots of questions!
If you’d like to attend please email: to reserve your spot.